Sunday, September 12, 2004


It's Saturday night and tomorrow afternoon I'll be in a plane over the Atlantic heading to Mexico. I can't wait to be heading off, not that I don't like to be with my Mum (with whom I've staying this past week), but I just want to start doing something constructive because I get absolutely nothing done at home due to the innumerable distractions on hand. I've packed my rucksack and am proud of the fact that there's still a good deal of room, although it may also mean I've forgotten something very important (not that unlikely a possibility either!). Which is what worries me most about this trip: that due to my scattiness I'll end up forgetting something vital somewhere, or will just make some really obvious, stupid faux pas. It's at times like these that I wish I was one of those anally organised people (like you Adrian), but then, we can't have everything.

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